Contact Us
Bulk Soap for Use in Public Restrooms
Would you like information about becoming a commercial customer and using our foaming soaps and wall mounted dispensers in your business, bar, office or restaurant? Click here for information and pricing.
Product Question or Issue
Have a product question that isn't answered on our FAQ page or experiencing an issue with an order or product? Or just want to provide feedback or an idea? Please fill out the form below, and our customer service team will be happy to get back to you!
Need to talk to a real human?
Please give us a call at (614) 706-7221. We are available:
MON | 10-6
TUES - THURS | 10-4
FRI | 10-6
SAT | 10-4
Visit in Person or Send Mail?
Glenn Avenue Soap Company
1166 W 5th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212